liposuction and
fat sculpting with
VASER 3D Lipo.

The liposuction procedure known as VASER, or “Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance,” employs ultrasonic waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to remove.

What Is VASER 3D Liposuction?

This revolutionary plastic surgery method, involving 3D liposuction, changes everything you knew about plastic surgery and offers the outcomes you have always dreamed of.

More precisely, fat is removed without causing any trauma to the tissues, while certain parts of the body are sculpted yielding an athletic body with abs.

In Theatre

20 Min – 6 Hr


Local & General

Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

0-3 Nights

Recovery time

1-10 Weeks



How much does it cost?

Procedure costs are tailored to individual requirements, and you will receive a fixed price following your surgeon assessment.

More about

  • Less Pain, Swelling and Downtime
  • Precise Sculpting and Immediate Results
  • Minimally invasive method
  • for body shape correction
  • Treat multiple areas in a single procedure
  • so it is cost-effective.

More about

What are
the benefits?

Muscles are given shape

This is a very delicate invasive procedure, where the plastic surgeon can attain much greater detail in the process of sculpting the abdominal muscles. VASER enables the surgeon to «create» a contouring effect which cannot be achieved with the use of other methods.

Localised fat deposits are removed

With this procedure, the energy that is transmitted from the sound waves liquefies the localised fat deposits and, therefore, easily dissolves the fat. This means that trauma is kept to the minimum and localised fat is dissolved straight away.


Can I add breast augmentation or BBL?

Yes, as there are a number of donor sites. Patients will be able to add or include fat transfer procedures. However, they must be a candidate and fit the requirements.

How many nights will I have to stay?

Patients will stay with us at the clinic for 1-3 nights and will need to stay an additional 1-3 nights in hotel accommodation nearby. Making the total 3-6 nights in Lithuania

Can I combine two surgeries at once?

Yes, very often patients opt to have two or multiple procedures at the same time. This is particularly common with VASER treatments. Such as a tummy tuck with abdominal VASER. Or Facelift with neck VASER. It is important to note that it may not always be possible and will be accessed by Dr. Hayek on a case-by-case basis.

How long does the procedure take?

Full body VASER can take anywhere from 3 – 6 hours

How do I know what type of VASER liposuction I require?

More often than not it comes down to the individual’s choice and where on the body they would like to see the most change. Or the area they are most unhappy with. As we all store fat differently some patients may only require or desire one area or multiple. If you feel unsure about what treatment would work best for you, please contact us as we Dr
Hayek will assess and advise accordingly.

Which areas of the body can be treated with liposuction?

Almost all parts of the body can undergo VASER liposuction. The procedure can be performed on small concentrated areas such as the face and knees as well as full body procedures that included thighs, abdomen, waist, and back.

Is there a cost saving by combining procedures?

Yes, if patients opt for multiple VASER liposuction procedures we can offer a discounted price compared to individual treatments.

Arrange your consultation.

If you are considering a surgical procedure with New Image Europe, then a consultation would be recommended. Book your free 15-minute Zoom consultation for the opportunity to ask any questions regarding the treatment.