Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly undertaken plastic surgery treatments that we provide here at New Image Europe. As with any cosmetic surgery, there are a lot of myths surrounding breast implant surgery that create misleading ideas about the augmentation procedure. We are here to help debunk some of the most common myths related to this type of surgery.

1: Breast Implants Look Fake

The skill of the individual surgeon undertaking the procedure is the primary factor that impacts the quality of breast implants. There is an art to the procedure as the surgeon imagines and designs new breasts. Our leading plastic surgeons understand how to augment breasts to appear minimally enhanced with respect to the patient’s existing body shape. This erroneous belief gained prominence many years ago when ladies seeking breast implants desired huge, bold, and visible augmentations, leading the public to believe that all breast implants would appear equally artificial.

2: Implants Must Be Enormous

The misconception that all breast implants must be enormous is an antiquated myth perpetuated by the Pamela Andersons of the world. The idea that all breast augmentation surgeries result in unrealistically huge breasts is incorrect! The patient is in complete control over the extent of the augmentation, and it can be as subtle or as prominent as desired. Generally, the breast is increased by one cup size, however, it is still feasible to have larger-than-natural breasts, although most women prefer subtlety and proportionality.

3: Breast Implant Surgery Will Fix Sagging

The decision to undertake breast implant surgery if often because the individual is unhappy with their breasts size, often the breast will start sagging with age as well as after childbirth or major weight loss. However, it is a fallacy that getting breast implants helps cure sagging. Breast implants just add size to the existing contour of the breasts, therefore only a breast lift can restore perkiness. As a result, most women choose breast lift and implant procedures together to give their breasts a full perky look again.

4: Breast Implants Need to be Changed Every 10 Years

Another myth is that breast implants need to be replaced after a period of time.  This is another false myth as breast implants only need to be changed if an implant develops a leak, otherwise, they should be good for a lifetime.  Most modern manufacturers of breast implants also offer various warranty options.

5: Breast implants feel tight and stretch out your skin

There will always be an adjustment period when augmenting the breast to be larger. The level of discomfort depends on the patient, the size of the implant, and where it is placed. Tightness resolves in most patients after a few days but it may take longer for others, in some cases up to several months. If you’re concerned about stretch marks, cocoa butter and vitamin E applied far away from your incisions can help prevent them from forming.

6: Breast implants always leave a big scar

Scarring is possible whenever an incision is made on the body. However, the skill of the plastic surgeon is one of the most crucial determinants of whether or not you will have visible scars. Our team of skilled surgeons use extensive scar management procedures and closure techniques for our patients in order to eliminate visible scarring. 

7: Silicone is dangerous

This can be true when cheap, untested implants are used. However, the implants that are used by New Image Europe are modern silicone implants that are quite safe and have FDA approval. Previously, it was assumed that the presence of implants impeded breast examinations, but radiologists now have a better understanding of mammography and ultrasound results of women with implants.


How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants can last a lifetime, but it’s likely they’ll need to be replaced at some point. Some women may need further surgery because of problems with the implants or because their breasts have changed around the implants.

What is involved in a breast implant surgery?

Making a cut (incision) in the skin next to or below the breast positioning the implant – either between your breast tissue and chest muscle or behind your chest muscle (as discussed during your consultation)

  • stitching the incision and covering it with a dressing
  • The operation takes between 60 and 90 minutes
How long does recovery take?

You should be able to move around soon after having breast enlargement surgery, but it can take a few weeks to fully recover from surgery, so you should take a week or 2 off work. You should not drive for at least 1 week.

How much does it cost?

From €4690 | £4100

We hope we have helped to answer any questions and alleviate any concerns you may have had about Breast Implants.

Our state-of-the-art facilities and renowned surgeons mean that you are in the best hands possible for your breast implant surgery. If you are interested in having the surgery or you have more questions then please get in touch using our dedicated contact form. We will get back to you to arrange a free consultation via video call to help you on your journey.