Home » Our Procedures » Tummy Tuck (Without Lipo)
Home » Our Procedures » Tummy Tuck (Without Lipo)

Tummy Tuck
(Without Liposuction).

from €3800 | £3300

This procedure is the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. It is used to improve the appearance of the stomach including the umbilicus, and to tighten the muscles and bring them closer. A tummy tuck is not a substitute for exercise but is beneficial after considerable weight loss and pregnancy, where the skin may appear loose and has developed stretch marks. Even after frequent exercise, some women are unable to tighten the abdominal wall, therefore a flatter and smoother abdomen can be achieved with this procedure. The best results are obtained by already being the correct weight in proportion to height. During the operation, your abdominal wall may also be tightened to achieve a flatter stomach.

In Theatre

20 Min – 6 Hr



Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

1-2 Nights

Recovery time

6-10 Weeks



How our tummy tuck (without liposuction) procedures work.

Abdominoplasty is carried out under general anaesthetic and involves being in the hospital for 1-2 nights. You are advised to cease taking the contraceptive pill and to stop smoking prior to surgery. There is some moderate pain and a scar left after the procedure, and a corset is usually required in the first 6 weeks. You will need a period of recuperation postoperatively and no sport can be undertaken for six weeks.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



Can I have a tummy tuck under local anesthetic?

Yes, abdominoplasty can be performed under conscious sedation or general anesthetic. However, most patients will opt for a general anesthetic for a full tummy tuck. It is best to discuss with Dr Hayek if you are considering the best option for you.

What is the difference between a mini tummy tuck & full?

A mini tummy tuck is a less invasive procedure, typically we would only be removing excess skin and fatty tissues from the lower abdomen (Below to belly button). Whilst a full tummy tuck corrects any loose mussels, fat deposits and loose skin over the entire abdomen.

Am I a candidate for a full tummy tuck?

Patients eligible for this procedure can fall into several categories. In the vast majority of cases, it will be women who have had multiple pregnancies and did not manage to regain the firm appearance of the abdominal wall after giving birth. Despite returning to their normal weight. Patients in this category may experience stretch marks, usually most visible on the lower abdomen. They may also experience sagging skin on the tummy as well. Patients may have been diagnosed with diastasis recti (Protruding appearance of the belly), unfortunately, this cannot be treated with exercise or a good diet. The only effective solution would be plastic surgery.

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