Home » Our Procedures » Rhinoplasty
Home » Our Procedures » Rhinoplasty


from €900 | £780

Rhinoplasty or Septo-Rhinoplasty, the procedure is to reshape the nose and also to increase or decrease the size of the nose. It is also carried out to alter the appearance of the nose tip, bridge, and nostrils.

In Theatre

1 – 2 Hr



Back to work

7-14 Days

Hospital stay

1 Nights

Recovery time

4-6 Weeks



How our procedures work.

A rhinoplasty may be chosen for many reasons such as dislike of the size or shape due to inherited characteristics or to restore a flattened nose after an injury. As the nose is centrally positioned, it is considered by many people to be a focal point. If someone is unhappy with the size or outline of their nose, they may wish to alter it to make them less self-conscious or to help their self-esteem. It is not recommended until after the age of sixteen, due to continual growth until this age.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



What are the benefits of rhinoplasty?

The benefits that you can enjoy from rhinoplasty depend on your reasons for having the procedure done: Nose surgery can achieve cosmetic or functional goals. However, most individuals opt for this procedure for cosmetic reasons and to reshape the nose to its desired shape.

Do you offer Non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Yes, this procedure can be performed using injectables in a non-surgical environment. Unlike surgical Rhinoplasty, this is semi-permanent. Depending on the desired goal, Dr Hayek will advise the best course of treatment.

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

All candidates must be 18+ to ensure the nose has fully developed. You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you have any of the following;

  • Humped or crooked bridge
  • A wide or “droopy” tip
  • Flared nostrils
  • Difficulty breathing through one or both nasal passages
  • Crooked nose
How many days do I need to stay in Hospital?

Patients will be required to stay 1 night with us at the clinic.

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