Home » Our Procedures » Knees VASER Liposuction
Home » Our Procedures » Knees VASER Liposuction

Knees VASER Liposuction.

from €1700 | £1490

Often combined with inner & outer thighs, Knee VASER lipo removes fat deposits from around the knee.

In Theatre

1 Hr



Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

1 Night

Recovery time

1-2 Weeks



How our knees VASER liposuction procedures work.

The Knees VASER liposuction procedure provides a more contoured look to the knees which will have a positive and long-lasting impact on the overall look of the legs. This procedure is ideal for patients who have a thick fold or high amounts of fat deposits around the patella (Knee cap).

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



Can I have just knee VASER?

Yes, patients can opt just for knee VASER however may benefit from combined treatments.

Is it painful?

No, as with all our VASER procedures patients will not experience any pain during treatment. There may be some swelling post-treatment, however, this should be manageable and should only last 2-5 days.

How long does the procedure take?

This procedure should take no longer than 1 hour.

How long do I have to stay?

Patients require 1-night stay in the clinic.

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