Home » Our Procedures » Inner & Outer Thigh VASER Liposuction
Home » Our Procedures » Inner & Outer Thigh VASER Liposuction

Inner & Outer Thigh VASER Liposuction.

from €2200 | £1930

For many women, the legs/thighs are where they store a lot of fat. Inner & outer thigh VASER is popular among individuals who may be unhappy with cellulite, lumps or bumps and those who are unhappy with the overall size and or look of their legs. VASER works to sculpt the tone of the thighs without leaving any marks or dimples. As with all VASER procedures, the amount of fat taken will keep in line with the body’s symmetry to create a proportionate shape.

In Theatre

20 Min – 60 Hrs


Local & General

Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

2-4 Nights

Recovery time

1-10 Weeks



How our inner & outer thigh VASER liposuction procedures work.

During the inner & outer thigh VASER liposuction procedure, the area to be treated is filled with a medical solution. The fat cells are then treated with ultrasound energy and are removed from the body through a gentle suction process. As a result, the procedure is less invasive and offers much less recovery time compared to traditional liposuction.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



Can VASER treat Lipedema on the legs?

Yes, VASER is a great option to treat Lipedema. If you have been referred or wish to discuss lipedema treatment further please contact the clinic directly.

Can VASER remove cellulite?

Yes, as we are removing the fat cells/tissue directly. VASER excels in the treatment of cellulite.360 lipo.

Is there a cost saving by combining the three together?

Yes, depending on the individual’s goals they may only need one or the other.

How long is the stay?

Patients will stay 1 night at the clinic and can expect to stay 2-4 nights in total

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