Home » Our Procedures » Chin VASER Liposuction
Home » Our Procedures » Chin VASER Liposuction

Chin VASER Liposuction.

from €1300 | £1140

Some patients carry excess facial fat due to genetic predisposition which often gets worse with aging.

In Theatre

20 – 30 Mins


Local or General

Back to work

2-3 Days

Hospital stay

0 Days

Recovery time

2-4 Weeks



How our Chin VASER liposuction procedures work.

Facial fat is usually resistant to exercise and diet. Reducing this fat through the carefully performed Vaser Liposuction technique, we are able to achieve a more well-defined, youthful, and sculpted facial appearance. As with all our VASER procedures, chin liposuction is minimally invasive. Leading to minimal recovery time, instant results, and long-lasting results.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



How long is the recovery time?

Patients can expect to be back to work after 2-3 days.

Is it painful?

No, this procedure is performed under general anesthetic and there should be little to no pain during recovery.

Can I combine this with other facial treatments?

Yes, this procedure is often combined with neck VASER liposuction. Patients may also opt to have a full facelift.

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