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Breast Reduction

from €4000 | £3500

For many women, feeling that their breasts are not in proportion with the rest of their bodies can hugely affect their self-esteem and confidence.

In Theatre

2 – 6 Hr



Back to work

1 Week

Hospital stay

1-2 Nights

Recovery time

2-6 Weeks



How our breast reduction procedures work.

Large breasts can also cause symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, and grooved shoulders caused by the weight of the breasts pulling on bra straps, in addition to rashes and fungal infections in the folds of flesh underneath the breasts. For other women, large breasts prevent sporting activity and cause embarrassment when trying to find fashionable clothing or appropriate swimwear. It all leads to physical and mental discomfort. The answer could be breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty. The size and weight of the breasts can be modified, creating a body profile, which gives you improved body proportions that makes you feel more attractive, self-assured, and comfortable.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



Am I a suitable candidate for breast reduction surgery?

It is important that the breasts are fully developed, all patients must be 18+ to be considered for this procedure. If you currently smoke you will be required to give up a set amount of time before you can be considered. If you’re overweight or have a high BMI you will need to be assessed by Dr Hayek, you may be required to reduce your weight before being considered a candidate.

How long does a breast production procedure take?

You will be in surgery for between two and four hours, under a general anaesthetic, where excess fat and tissue will be removed in order to reduce the size of your breasts. Following this, it is possible you will require an overnight stay in the hospital.

What are the risks associated with breast reduction?

All surgery carries some risk factors, such as infection and poor scarring. Many risks depend on your age, current health and your medical history. Your surgeons will discuss these risks in full detail during your initial consultation.

What is the recovery process after breast reduction?

You will need to rest for at least two weeks following the procedure. You should avoid any heavy lifting or exertion during this time, and wear a sports bra for support for up to six weeks.

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