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Breast Implants

from €4690 | £4100

Having a breast enlargement is a big decision. It’s major surgery, the results are not guaranteed and there are some risks to think about. During the operation, implants are inserted into your breasts to increase their size, change their shape, or make them more even. Breast enlargement is often known as a “boob job” or breast augmentation.

In Theatre

20 Min – 6 Hr


Local & General

Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

0-3 Nights

Recovery time

1-10 Weeks



How our breast implant procedures work.

There are 2 types of implants, made of silicone or saline. Silicone implants are the most common type used in the UK. They’re less likely to wrinkle and feel more natural. However, they can spread into your breast and cause lumps. Saline implants are more likely to fold, rupture, or go down over time. If they do go down or rupture, the saline will safely be absorbed into your body. You should discuss the pros and cons of each type of breast implant with Dr. Hayek,
along with the size and shape of your implants and where they’ll be placed (behind the breast or behind the breast muscle).

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants do not last a lifetime. It’s likely they’ll need to be replaced at some point. Some women may need further surgery after about 10 years, either because of problems with the implants or because their breasts have changed around the implants.

What is involved in a breast implant procedure?

making a cut (incision) in the skin next to or below the breast positioning the implant – either between your breast tissue and chest muscle or behind your chest muscle (as discussed during your consultation)

  • stitching the incision and covering it with a dressing
  • The operation takes between 60 and 90 minutes
How long does recovery take?

You should be able to move around soon after having breast enlargement surgery, but it can take a few weeks to fully recover from surgery, so you should take a week or 2 off work. You should not drive for at least 1 week.

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