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Home » Our Procedures » Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer

Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer.

from €3600 | £3150

This procedure is completed using VASER.
A surgical fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure to move fat from one part of the body to another. This procedure is also known as “lip modelling” or “fat graft”, and is a popular form of breast surgery, known as “Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation”. A Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation is a natural solution to restore volume and shape. Fat is removed from an area of the body in which it is in excess, and is transferred to the breasts.

In Theatre

20 Min – 6 Hr


Local & General

Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

0-3 Nights

Recovery time

1-10 Weeks



How our procedures work.

Breast enlargement by fat transfer is an alternative to breast augmentation with implants, and can be used to increase the fullness of the breasts by one cup size, balance cases of asymmetrical breasts, and restore any contours of unevenness. Fat transfer surgery can also be applied to other parts of the body, such as the face and buttocks. If you are considering breast augmentation with fat transfer, then a consultation with Mr Jamil Hayek at New Image Clinic Europe would be recommended. Zoom consultations are also available for more general questions regarding treatment. Following your natural breast enlargement, you will likely feel more feminine, find that your clothes fit better, and feel happier with the shape of your breasts.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



Am I a candidate for fat transfer?

Fat Transfer for Breast Enhancement is most appropriate for patients who wish to modestly increase their breast size or make relatively minor adjustments to their breast shape. Candidates must have enough fat from other areas to be considered. Dr Hayek will be able to advise either by consolation or photos. If you have slender frame breast implants may be the more suitable option.

How long will my recovery take?
  • One week before returning to work
  • 5-7 days before driving
  • 4-6 weeks wearing support garments
  • Two weeks before light exercise
  • Four weeks before more strenuous exercise
Where is the fat taken from?

Fat is typically taken buttocks, thighs, hips & or stomach. Patients may opt to include VASER-liposuction with this procedure. A benefit of having fat taken as opposed to implants is there is no risk of any allergic reaction and patients can reduce fat in areas they may not be comfortable with.

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