Home » Our Procedures » Abdomen, Waist & Lower Back VASER Liposuction
Home » Our Procedures » Abdomen, Waist & Lower Back VASER Liposuction

Abdomen, Waist & Lower Back VASER Liposuction.

from €5500 | £4830

Abdomen, waist, & lower back VASER liposuction, this procedure incorporates everything 360 the upper body offers just without the upper back. As is the case with most VASER procedures it all comes down to where individuals store their fat deposits. You consider this treatment if you’re unhappy with “love handles”, and fat around the abdomen “overhang” and desire a more curved figure. If you’re unhappy with fat around the bra or armpits you may want to consider 360 lipo which as mentioned above will include the upper back.

In Theatre

20 Mins – 6 Hrs


Local & General

Back to work

1-14 Days

Hospital stay

0-3 Night

Recovery time

1-10 Weeks



How our abdomen, waist & lower back VASER liposuction procedures work.

During the abdomen, waist & lower back VASER Liposuction procedure, the area to be treated is filled with a medical solution. The fat cells are then treated with ultrasound energy and are removed from the body through a gentle suction process. As a result, the procedure is less invasive and offers much less recovery time compared to traditional liposuction.

Using the latest

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract.



Can I combine fat transfer to breasts with this procedure?

Yes, patients can opt for breast augmentation with fat transfer. As we are removing fat using VASER we can use the “donor areas” to provide the tissue for the breasts. This does come with additional cost and patients must be a candidate.

Is there a cost saving by combining the three together?

Yes. As with most VASER treatments if patients opt for Abdomen, waist, & lower back VASER liposuction we can offer a discounted price compared to individual treatments.

How do I know if I need an upper back VASER as well?

Again this is a very personal decision and how you would like your body to look. Dr. Hayek can make recommendations on suitability and what he believes would work best for your desired goals. If you feel uncomfortable with fat around the bra strap and rear of the armpits you may wish to discuss the upper back (360 lipo) as well.

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